Upcoming events.
November Meeting
November meeting will be hosted virtually. Agenda will be sent out to members in the weeks before scheduled date.
September Meeting
September meeting will be hosted virtually. Agenda will be sent out to members in the weeks before scheduled date.
July Meeting
July meeting will be hosted virtually. Agenda will be sent out to members in the weeks before scheduled date.
RDPO UAS Public Safety Aviation Program Rollout
RDPO is rolling out their UAS Public Safety Aviation Program and will provide information for agencies interested in starting their own UAS program. The program is specially designed for RDPO agencies but may also include agencies from all over the state.
PNWS-AWWA Section Conference
2022 Section Conference will be held in person. Check website for registration and schedule. Provides Drinking Water and Waste Water CEU’s
PNWS AWWA | Section Conference Information & Registration (pnws-awwa.org)
Oregon APWA Spring Conference
Oregon APWA’s Spring Chapter conference will be hosted in person this year with COVID safety protocols in place. Check website for up to date registration information and schedule.
Street Maintenance and Collection Systems Extended Spring School
Event will be held in person at the ‘Riverhouse on the Deschutes’ in Bend. There are COVID requirements in place for attendance. Please check website for current registration information.
2022 Street Maintenance & Collection Systems Spring EXTENDED School and ROADeo (apwa.net)
44th Annual Management & Technical Conference
Conference will be held in person at the Sunriver Resort. Full schedule providing both drinkingwater and wastewater CEU’s. Detailed schedule and registration are available on the website linked below.
44th Annual Management & Technical Conference | Oregon Association of Water Utilities (oawu.net)
Washington County Winter Planning Meeting
2021 Winter Planning Meeting will be hosted on Microsoft Teams. We will receive a forecast from the National Weather Service for this winter season, and provide an opportunity for attending jurisdictions to share any changes or information pertaining to the upcoming season.
May Meeting
May meeting was hosted online via teams. Meeting minutes are attached, if there are questions, please send them to the leadership team.
March Meeting
March meeting was held remotely due to COVID restrictions still in place. Meeting Minutes are attached below.
January Meeting
The January CPAWC member meeting was held virtually via Microsoft teams. Agenda and minutes are available below.
November meeting
November CPAWC member meeting was held virtually via Microsoft teams. Elections took place and the leadship changes are noted in the meeting minutes below.
Washington County Winter Planning Meeting
This annual event was hosted by Washington County Department of Land Use and Transportation. This year’s meeting consisted of a winter season outlook presented by the National Weather Service and provided an opportunity for attending jurisdictions to give a briefing on their preparations for the upcoming winter.
Washington County Presentation
National Weather Service Outlook 2020-2021
For more information reach out to CPAWC Board member Ken Schlegel.
Oregon APWA Fall Conference
Conference will be held virtually this year with remote classes available. No CEU’s will be offered for this Conference.
Registration found at -